BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Mattia Camisi and Samantha Biffi of Camisi QH on the purchase of ML Wimpys Charlotte! Bred and raised by Mane Lane Quarter Horses. It`s been a great satifaction to have started and trained this talented mare only for her to go on and continue to do great things. Best of luck in Italy! We will follow all that you do always!!! And a special thank you to Gabriele Delli Veneri DVM, for making this connection possible.
CONGRATUAZIONI a Mattia Camisi e Samantha Biffi per l`acquisto di ML Wimpys Charlotte!!! Allevata da Mane Lane Quarter Horses. E’stata un’enorme soddisfazzione avere iniziato e addestrato questa cavalla con tanto talento, auguriamo tantissimi successi e seguiremo ogni passo!!! Speciale ringraziamento a DVM Gabriele Delli Veneri per questa connessione